[[UPLOADER NOTE: THERE IS NO PICTURES/VIDEOS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS POST. I'M SIMPLY INCLUDING IT FOR ARCHIVING PURPOSES.]] Hi I don’t have a lot of time, I have to turn off my power again lol, so this has to be a quick update- ((note: this will not interrupt queued content- this is just a spank vid update)) I plan on filming the spank content tonight after the plumbers leave- yes, they’re still fixing things . I’m also suddenly dealing with bad wires & electrical fires (I don’t even have full power on in my house), the mild storms causing the tree in my yard to drop dangerously large branches at random, and trying to prep everyone in my house for weeks of social-distancing for the sake of my shitty immune system. TLDR; my life is kind of suddenly on fire (literally) and I’m really panicked & busy trying to put it out- BUT YOU WILL GET YOUR SPANK PRIZE ASAP~! I’m embarrassed and I’m sorry, I will take steps to prevent random life hell from ruining OF fun as much as possible in the future. *I will also start getting back to the bulk of my messages likely next week when, hopefully, this has all been figured out.