[[UPLOADER NOTE: THERE IS NO PICTURES/VIDEOS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS POST. I'M SIMPLY INCLUDING IT FOR ARCHIVING PURPOSES.]] Thank you so much for participating in the polls the last couple of days The results so far have been both confirming & yet also confusing, but that’s okay- I like a challenge lol. One thing I already know is this: I don’t think ‘likes’ are an accurate metric for assuming what content you are & are not enjoying/want more of. Many of you do not seem to ever ‘like’ any of my posts, or rarely do, but you still stay subscribed. That’s totally cool No biggie! That just means I’ve probably gotta run polls like these every once in a while instead, to get a good reading on what all active users want. I may also start incentivizing likes with content challenges and that could be fun Thank you again, I hope I can take this info and turn it into a better subscription experience for everyone You still have time to go back & vote in any of the polls, if you missed any